
There are no special interests or partisan preferences with this voter guide. Just the facts!

Fact Based

Our data is sourced from official county voter guides, original candidate content, and public voter resources that we credit.


We don’t cherry pick offices or propositions. Up and down the ballot, you deserve clarity!

Ballot Breakdown Interest Form
The 2024 general election will be a research year for us; we’ll be creating breakdowns of a few zip codes’ ballots, analyzing its impact on voter turnout and confidence, then scaling our operation for future election years! So if you’re interested in your zip code being included in this first round, fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch.
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We’ll be in touch with you with updates on your ballot breakdown, and it would be great to know how to address the email!
This is how we’ll send you updates and questions about your ballot breakdown.
Enter the 5-digit zip code where you are registered to vote. Every zip code’s ballot is different.
What would you like to see on your ballot breakdown?
How can we make voting easier for you? Share anything you’d like to see on the ballot breakdown here.